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IDE explorer window

Conflare Baseline Theme

2022 - 2024

Tech Stack



Tailwind CSS

My Role

Web Developer

MY Team

Completed with Conflare

Yaw Aware, Sr. Front End Developer

Lee Hilton, Project Advisor

The Problem

Groundhog Day

As I started realizing the needs of a small design agency, it was apparent that efficiency was crucial.

At the start of every project there were a number of tasks that would need repeated in order to get a local and staging site operational. Starting from a blank slate on every project was eating away valuable developer time.

global options wordpress screen

What I did

Groundhog Day

So we started with a small list of vital plugins, Advanced Custom Fields and it's capabilities chief amongst them all (thanks /acf-json !). From there we worked to standardize field groups and post type settings. Global settings options pages ready from the get-go!

global options wordpress screen

What I did

Groundhog Day

So we started with a small list of vital plugins, Advanced Custom Fields and it's capabilities chief amongst them all (thanks /acf-json !). From there we worked to standardize field groups and post type settings. Global settings options pages ready from the get-go!

What I did

Groundhog Day

So we started with a small list of vital plugins, Advanced Custom Fields and it's capabilities chief amongst them all (thanks /acf-json !). From there we worked to standardize field groups and post type settings. Global settings options pages ready from the get-go!


Fixing the loop

Although improvements are still being made from project to project, our starting point is leaps and bounds ahead of our first iteration.

My next venture will be a better starting point for our color systems. I love getting better at what I do, and I will always keep pushing our starting line forward!

Oh, There's More.

Check out more stuff

Click on the linky link below to catapult yourself through the interwebs into another heckin’ cool project.