dad and girls smiling

A developer with ≤3

What sets me apart as a developer and teammate is my ability to empathize with my team, clients, and our target audiences. Before I work, I look at the whole picture. I pinpoint any potential risk factors or opportunities for the scope of work or end result, and bring them to the attention of leadership with proposed plans of action if necessary. As I work, I carefully consider any potential technical problems that could impact the audience’s experience or the client’s results. It’s important to me that I can anticipate the needs of my team as both a professional and a human being.

Maximize your window size to explore a map of my travels and memories!

Hold "CTRL" + Scroll Up/Down to zoom

Click-hold and drag to move! Throw it!

I've traveled to 26 states and 19 Countries!
Click the dots to see some memories!

I can’t do it alone.

Contribute to the Dadabase.

At the end of the day, I’m just one dad. One dad with a few corny dad jokes that I constantly forget anyway. I’m calling on all the dads with jokes (and the families subjected to them) to submit them here, where they will be compiled and sorted for likes on the internet.



What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence?

What did the pig say when he fell down the hill?

A ham and cheese sandwich walks into a bar

A horse walks into a bar.

Why did Jon make a website?

How do you know when your clock is still hungry?